Exhibitor list
Secondary Metals, Magazine
Stand: 3B27Address: 21/1, Lokomotivny proezd, Moscow 127238, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 482-00-11
Fax: +7 (495) 482-00-11
Website: www.russcrap.ru
The unique issue in the country, which specialized on the scrap branch devoted to problems, scientific development and technologies, economy and legislative maintenance of the market of grab iron and wastes of black and colour metals. It is distributed in all regions of Russia, countries of CIS, provides in administration of President of Russian Federation, Gosduma of Russian Federation, in Minpromnauka, on metallurgical centres and firms engaged in processing of a grab iron. It participates in all profile exhibitions, scientific - practical conferences and seminars. The magazine is fullcolour. 64 strips. Circulation: 5 000 copies. Periodicity: 1 number per 2 months. A subscription index Rospechat in the catalogue "The Newspapers and magazines" - "The Editions of bodies STI".